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Alexander’s Naturals Bone Broth Lamb 500ml


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Broth is packed full of nutrition; it has plentiful and equal amounts of calcium and phosphorus and is a great source of vitamin b12, riboflavin (b2), vitamin d & magnesium. It also contains a wide variety of bioactive compounds including organic acids & peptides.

Broth is a much more powerful probiotic than any yoghurt! It contains over 30 strains (and probably more) of powerful, good bacteria and friendly yeasts, making it a very rich and diverse probiotic source.

  • Has potent antibacterial qualities and can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut
  • Improves bone health and density as it is rich in calcium and vitamin K2
  • Can help balance the gut and help with digestive disorders such as IBS and Colitis
  • Effective in reducing inflammatory reactions and allergies
  • Boosts the immune system by replenishing the gut with friendly bacteria
  • Contains strains of ‘friendly’ yeast which can overpower bad yeasts causing issues


Alexander’s Naturals

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